The Achievement Series is a set of interactive educational courses highlighting pivotal events and commonly utilized infrastructures in everyday life. The structure of the Achievement Series allows students of all learning types (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, reading/writing) to learn at their own pace, and the goal is that they will master all series components by their senior year. Courses include credit building, credit card acquisition, credit vs. debit, how to build a resume, how to dress for job interviews and work, how to interview, college selection and the application process, purchasing big-ticket items and the available methods of purchase (lease, credit, cash, installments), how to start a business, and targeting the skill sets and knowledge needed to successfully navigate life or these events.
How does the Mastering Wellness Together Achievement Series appeal to students?
MWT Achievement Series gives students access to resources that will equip them to navigate everyday life, life milestones, and momentous events. The appeal is that what they are learning will be immediately useful in their lives. Additionally, MWT offers special incentives throughout the year, depending on a student’s year of study.
• Upperclassmen may have the opportunity to be a paid or unpaid intern for MWT to add to their college and work resumes.
• Lowerclassmen may have the opportunity to be an unpaid intern for MWT to add to their college and work resumes and transition to a paid internship in their junior or senior year.
• Seniors may qualify for: senior ball experience funding, senior trip funding, a scholarship, or a fixed stipend for college.
• Juniors may qualify for: junior prom funding and college application fees funding.
• Everyone will qualify for: special raffles, merchandise winnings, and other surprise giveaways and awards for participating throughout the year.
How will the Mastering Wellness Together platform benefit schools?
MWT will benefit schools in various ways, including bridging the achievement disparities between students in underserved school districts and students in more privileged education systems. Additionally, the MWT platform provides members unlimited access to all MWT private yoga and meditation videos, collectively referred to as ‘Wellness Videos’, for the duration of the schools’ subscription. Monetarily, the Mastering Wellness Together Program incentive will encourage students to begin or continue their education with the school, thus assisting schools struggling with retention rates to sustain or increase student enrollment, thereby stabilizing the schools’ state and federal funding.
How much will the Mastering Wellness Together Achievement Series cost to operate?
Once school membership is established, no additional cost is necessary to operate or utilize the Mastering Wellness Together Achievement Series and Wellness Videos. The Achievement Series is available via the Mastering Wellness Together platform and is completed entirely online.
What do parents get out of this program?
Parents and guardians of students whose school participates in the Mastering Wellness Together Achievement Series also gain access to the Mastering Wellness Together Achievement Series and Wellness Videos - further bridging the disparity and agency gaps between families in lower-income communities and those of more privileged backgrounds.
Will Mastering Wellness Together have wellness sessions for the students?
The MWT Wellness Program is available online. Wellness Videos and the Achievement Series are available for continuous use 24 hours a day for each student. Schools and teachers can incorporate the Wellness Program into their curriculum at their discretion.
Is additional support needed to operate the Mastering Wellness Together Platform, i.e. extra teachers or supplies?
No, additional support is not needed to operate the Mastering Wellness Together platform. All that is required is a computer, tablet or smartphone, stable internet connection, and membership access - which schools receive once confirmation of payment on the Mastering Wellness Together Website ( is completed.