
Yoga Series

Yoga is the practice of watching what goes on in our mind, breath, and body; then correcting it. Practicing yoga allows us to unite with our true selves.

Yoga practice (Asana) can:

·   Strengthen the body

·   Help the body become more flexible

·   Get rid of toxins in the body

·   Be a form to preventative medicine 

·   Heal the body from strains

5 groups of yoga poses:

1.    Standing poses- Draws energy upward through the body

2.  Forward folds- Distributes energy through the body while the legs are grounded

3.  Backbends- Gets blood into the adrenal glands and lymphatic system (supports metabolism, blood pressure, and immune system)

4.  Twists- Flushes the systems, cleaning the liver, pancreases, and gallbladder

5.  Inversions- Changes the pressure gradient in the circulatory system (the way the blood is flowing)

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